Thursday, July 4, 2013

July Race #1- Roadrunner 4th of July 5K Blast

July 4th, 2013- Roadrunner 4th of July 5K Blast!

Last year, I ran the inaugural Roadrunner 4th of July 5K Blast.  It was not my first race, but it was my first 5K so I have a special place in my heart for it.  When it was time to sign up again, I jumped on it!  This year I was going to be prepared with an awesome costume.  I ordered the special edition red, white, and blue USA Pro Compression socks and of course, I had a matching Sparkle Athletic skirt.  I cannot run a race without my sparkle!  The hardest part was deciding whether to wear the blue or red skirt.

Last year!
 Unfortunately, 3 days before the race, it was cancelled due to excessive heat.  It was supposed to be something like 110 degrees on the 4th of July and although this was an evening race, it was not going to cool off in time.  I was devastated!  The race director decided to give us a "free" entry into any other event put on by the company.  Luckily, I run almost all of their events so I wasn't too upset that my race fee wasn't going to be refunded.  I put it towards a Halloween half marathon in October so I'm pretty excited about that!

Even though I couldn't run that day, I still dressed up!
All dressed up with nowhere to run!
Happy 4th of July everyone!

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